If your toenails have turned yellow, feel thicker or appear slightly deformed, they may be infected with fungus, clinically known as onychomycosis.
Nail fungus is a progressive infection that damages the nail and needs to be treated effectively to avoid spreading.
Nail Fungus Laser Treatment
Our nail fungus laser treatment procedure begins with a free consultation and assessment of your affected fungal nails. we will answer questions and concerns you have on the nail fungus laser treatment.
With our high Tec yag laser technology, the fungal nail is lasered within a grid pattern covering the complete affected area to ensure maximum results.
The ND Yag Laser passes heat through the nail allowing it to vaporise the nail fungus with its high energy it kills the fungus by reacting with the fungal cell walls, the fungus is within the nail complex which only the laser is able to target the fungal cell without harm or having to take oral prescriptions and topical products which do not have the ability to penetrate the nail bed.
The procedure itself takes no longer than 30 minutes depending on the number of affected fungal nails to be lasered. The results are impressive comparing to alternative oral medications or other topical products.
Our clients/patients during the nail fungus laser treatment feel a warm sensation under the nail whiles the laser is been used over the nail and instantly cools as the laser is moved across.
Our toenail fungus laser treatment will not harm your nail or surrounding skin and has no known side effects.
The treatment is not surgical and no recovery period is given.
Our clients/patients do not usually notice any visible changes to the nail instantly after a toenail fungus laser treatment, repeated sessions of the nail laser treatment may be needed commonly up to 2 treatments spread over 3-4 weeks results are typically seen once the nail has fully grown out which can take up to a few months.
At Viona Beauty Clinic, we are offering a high-value service at an affordable cost. This treat is via Our ND YAG LASER 1064 NM the deepest penetrating laser on the market that has the capability to target the nail bed and eliminating the nail fungal infection.
Nail Fungus Laser Treatment
- 60 British pounds
- 90 British pounds
- 150 British pounds
Helpful Information
What is Nail Fungus (onychomycosis)?
Nail fungal infections medically known as onychomycosis are very common, affecting up to one in fifteen of the UK population. On Average half of all nail related issues are related to fungus.
It is known to affect men more than females and is more highly common as one age’s.
It is more common on the toenails rather than fingernails due to this; the effects on the foot are more commonly mentioned. In both cases the laser treatment and subsequent end results are similar.
How do I know I have toenail fungus?
Nail fungal infections are commonly unsightly. The fungal nail becomes thickened and discolored; it can turn yellow-orange, brown or even white. There can be black areas and bleeding as a result of trauma or areas appearing dark green if a bacterial infection is present.
The fungal nail itself can become brittle and are known to crumble and can lift from the end of the digit. In few cases, debris will collect beneath the nail and will become malodorous.
The Causes of Toe Nail Fungus?
Toe Nail fungal infections are often caused due to directly damaging the nail plate or its seal. Skin infections or athlete’s foot condition can invade the toenail resulting to the infection.
Warm sweaty feet in shoes all day long will also provide the suffice environment for fungus to develop.
Other common causes: Damage to the nail, or biting the nail conditions such as diagnosed with diabetes or psoriasis even a weak immune system, excessive smoking and generally having a poor health, certain types of trauma, tightly fitted shoes, sharing washing facilities, and sharing nail equipments or footwear, poor foot hygiene, contaminated floors and lastly damp footwear.
Types of fungus caused in the nail are dermatophytes, candida and other types of yeasts and moulds that can produce in these conditions. Dermatophyte, tricophytum and Rubrum are the prime and most commonly known.
How many treatments do I need?
4 to10 weekly treatments will be needed to clear completely the treated area.